Homework from Dean

This was the post that was supposed to be fun, light-hearted, and published last weekend. Something else happened. And another blog post was written. This one stayed in Draft for a while.


It’s ok to be silly sometimes. There are days when being an educator is uplifting and purpose-filled. And there are some days when I feel like we all take ourselves so very seriously. Levity can be freeing and much needed… and that’s why I’m participating in this “silly” meme.

On top of that, I love learning about the people from whom I learn. Sometimes, knowing that “he” is a dog lover or that “she” is a Phillies fan helps us to make deeper connections with each other. That is a very good thing.

I don’t do a very good job of balancing professional and personal, nor do I take time often enough to just think about fun for me.


Dean tagged me.

11 Random Facts About Myself

  1. When I’m nervous, I talk. A. LOT. Sometimes, I make sense, and sometimes, I don’t. My apologies if you have ever been subjected to that from me. 
  2. I’m socially awkward. Meeting new people can be stressful for me. I don’t know how to end conversations, and awkward silences make me really nervous. (see #1)
  3. When my parents used to leave the house to run errands, I would play the piano and sing. One day, they came home and “discovered” my musical talent. They forced me to sing in church and try out for music activities in school. I eventually majored in music.
  4. My years in music and performing on stage have contributed greatly to my ability to speak in front of large groups of people. Also the reason most people don’t realize I’m awkward and shy.
  5. I used to play in a women’s golf league. We played 9 holes every Monday night in the spring/summer. My best net score- due to a very high handicap- was 19. Par was 36.
  6. In high school, I had mono for 2 years.
  7. I have a paralyzing fear of heights.
  8. I love dogs, and dogs love me. Friends call me a dog whisperer.
  9. I have a specific coffee cup for Saturdays and a different one for Sundays. I don’t use them for any other day but the “designated” day.
  10. I have to be in the mood to eat chocolate, and that doesn’t happen very often.
  11. I would rather be somewhere really cold than somewhere warm. I’m happiest when outside temps are between 0 and 40F (-17 and 4C). Anything over 65F/18C makes me a little cranky.

Questions from Dean:

  1. How do you feel about pants? Overrated, but necessary in public.
  2. What was the last movie you saw in a theatre? Catching Fire.
  3. Where are your car keys? In a box by my front door.
  4. What time is it? 8:30pm.
  5. What’s the last tweet you favorited? Roberto Luongo’s Ugly Christmas Sweater tweet with Ryan Kesler (Canucks)
  6. Outside of your immediate family, which relative do you like to spend time with? Hard to choose, since I have a great family. If I had to choose, my nieces and nephews.
  7. Have you ever been to Saskatchewan? Not yet. I have a goal to visit every Canadian province in the next 5 years.
  8. How long did it take you to walk to school as a kid? The longest walk was about 30 -45 minutes. 
  9. Besides you,  blogger should I be paying attention to? http://thejourneyisthegoal.wordpress.com/ by @backcountrynut
  10. Name one golf course. Torrey Pines.
  11. What’s your favorite Seinfeld episode or line? “Well, if it isn’t Chesty LaRue!”

Now It’s Your Turn!

  1. Carol McLaughlin
  2. Sean Beaton
  3. Laurel Beaton
  4. Deirdre Bailey
  5. Kristina Peters
  6. Dan Roberts – The ChickenMan
  7. Michelle Hiebert
  8. Rafranz Davis
  9. Jamie Fath
  10. Christine Ruder
  11. Brent Catlett
  12. I know this is 12… but if you’re reading this and want to participate, I want to know more about you.


Questions for You:

  1. What’s the happiest thing you can think of? 
  2. What DO you want to be when you grow up?
  3. Favorite Monty Python quote?
  4. What’s the worst time zone?
  5. Do you have any weird food issues? Describe.
  6. Describe the scene in front of you right now.
  7. How many books are you currently reading? Which ones?
  8. Tell me something you’re proud of yourself for doing/being, but too modest to “toot your own horn.”
  9. If you could make up a name for yourself or change your name, what would it be?
  10. Who is someone you wish more people knew about on Twitter and/or blogs?
  11. What is your favorite education story from your experience?


Here’s how it works:

  1. Acknowledge the nominating blogger.
  2. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
  3. Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.
  4. List 11 bloggers.
  5. Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer, and let all the bloggers know they have been nominated. Don’t nominate a blogger who has nominated you.

Post back here with a link after you write this. 

7 thoughts on “Homework from Dean

  1. Here is my link, Michelle. Thanks for this. It was fun: http://wp.me/p3e25A-1b

  2. Dean Shareski (@shareski)

    You’re awesome. And thanks for playing. I know you’ve had a tough go of late.

  3. That was (fairly) painless! http://goo.gl/qKGjTo

  4. Okay, so I’m really curious about the coffee mugs. What is up with that? I was tagged by Bill. You can read my homework at http://goo.gl/vOFcx4.

    • Loved reading your post!

      The coffee mugs? I have a “Saturday mug,” and a “Sunday mug.” I don’t use them for any other day than the designated day and get rather upset with my husband when he uses them at all. I don’t know why, other than I might be a little more like Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory than I want to admit. 😉

  5. Here you go Michelle! Thanks for including me, this was fun to put together!


  6. Hi Michelle! I’ve linked to this post and mentioned you in my own because you’re awesome and someone I learn from/would like to meet. I didn’t pass along any more homework though, just a link! http://justathought.edublogs.org/2014/01/04/a-little-sunshine-to-start-the-new-year/

    Happy New Year!

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