September Think-About

Well, here it is… over a month into the school year. There’s still so much to do and things to consider for technology and education.

One topic to mull over: what’s the best way for schools to teach kids about internet safety and responsibility?

The “Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act” was introduced in the Senate on January 4 of this year. It has only been referred to committee, so no further action has been taken. Depending upon which article/blog/journal you read, this “act” will either be more hard-nosed when it comes to internet blocking and monitoring in the schools… OR, it might be a slightly more relaxed version of previous legislation.

One of the requirements that may come about is mandatory internet safety classes for students in all schools receiving specific eRate funds (see this August article from eSchool News).

How do you feel about even stricter requirements imposed on web blocking in schools and public libraries?

What kind of plan could be implemented in schools now that could help kids learn more about internet safety?

One thought on “September Think-About

  1. “One of the requirements that may come about is mandatory internet safety classes for students in all schools receiving specific eRate funds”

    That sounds interesting. There are a lot of sites on the internet which should be blocked. Then again, there are some sites wherein children can actually learn a lot like wikipedia.

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