George Couros
Chances are you’re already following George. If not, you really should be.
About four years ago, two of my Twitter friends, Alec Couros and Dean Shareski, started asking their followers to add Alec’s younger brother, George to their networks. I admire Alec and Dean greatly, so I started following George. His enthusiasm and passion for education was immediately apparent and extremely contagious. George became an instant friend, and when we met face to face in Philadelphia the first time, it felt like we had already met. (This happens, by the way, with Twitter friends more than you might imagine!)
George is an amazing leader in his role as Division Principal in Parkland Schools in Edmonton. He leads by example and empowers the people he works with to learn and share their inspiring stories. He shares his own stories, both personal and professional, and is very open about his struggles and successes. Through his work, he shares the importance of connecting and relationships for educators. He also has initiated or has been involved in Connected Principals, School Admin Virtual Mentor Program #SAVMP (administrator mentors), ConnectEd Canada, and I’m sure more that I’m forgetting at the moment.
George started the #365greattweeps idea. He’s always thinking of new ways to get people motivated and inspired to learn and share.
More than anything, George is an invaluable friend. On so many occasions, he has been there for me to give advice, lend an ear, or just make me laugh. I can’t even begin to thank him for that.
Oh, and he can rock a microphone at karaoke like none other.
George tweets at @gcouros and blogs (a LOT!) at http://georgecouros.ca/blog/.