I’m still pondering the next few posts I’ll write about my experiences at ISTE 2010. Right now, however, I’m simply a little sad. It’s difficult to say goodbye (for now) to old friends and new friends… but I believe that the most difficult part of leaving a conference like ISTE is heading back to reality.
Let me explain: while I miss my family and home like crazy, and I’m really excited to start the school year and see my students again, it’s difficult to return from a place where people “get” you. At ISTE, if you tell someone you’re on Twitter, they don’t look at you like you’re a crazed Ashton Kutcher fan who lives in a fantasy online world. When you discuss the inanity of standardized testing our children to a learning-coma-like state, they understand. It’s nice to be around people who know that using technology tools to help transform student learning means more than copying your paper notes to a PowerPoint slide. Or worse, PowerPoint slides.
I’m not saying that I’m an edu-snob or that I subscribe to the Nick Burns, Computer Guy mentality of tech support. I truly enjoy working with people who want to learn more about, well… about anything. Learning is always the key. But for one brief moment at the end of June each year, it’s really refreshing to be around some of my favorite people in the world. Luckily, I only have to wait about 360-ish more days until the next time.
Thanks, ISTE, for another great experience.