A couple of days ago, someone shared an image of an anchor chart (for lack of better term) for questioning levels. I thought that my kids could really benefit from it, but I wanted an illustrated version. So yesterday, I spent about an hour making my own version of the poster on chart paper. This is what I made:
As I started to write the original “creator’s” name at the bottom, I realized I didn’t know who had shared it. I spent a couple of hours (yes, hours!) looking for it and could not. The best I was able to find was a couple of teachers who had shared the item via Pinterest.
Still… no attribution.
I don’t believe in using other people’s work without giving them credit. My friend, Krissy Venosdale, has had her share of issues with that lately.
So here’s the deal… teachers love to “steal” each other’s work. We joke about using that word, steal. I have no problem with doing that as long as we also share the credit.
If you know whose original work THIS is, please let me know so I can properly credit him/her. Thanks.
Hey Pal,
Just a quick note to say thank you for modeling responsible use of the content that we find online!
So many teachers think that if they find something, they can use it without giving any credit to the original creator — and while in most cases, the original creator will be JAZZED that you like their content enough to use it again, they DO deserve some acknowledgement of their contribution to your final product.
Interesting times, huh? Teachers rant at kids about plagarism of text while simultaneously not thinking twice about the credit they give to the people who are freely sharing content with others.
Rock on,
Thanks, friend. I agree with you totally! I’ve heard so many educators say something along the lines of “well, I’m not hurting anyone by using this.”
That’s why I love the Creative Commons. I license a lot of my photos and other “creative” works that way. I’m happy to share, but attribution is important to me, too.
You just sent me down a rabbit hole looking for the answer to your question. I discovered that the image was uploaded to Pinterest 48 weeks ago by Mischa Dorr-Ames (@MischaDorrAmes). Unfortunately, I still do not know if the image or work belongs to her. (I have an anti-Pinterest post now brewing in me after spending the last 90 minutes looking for the source.)
Thanks for sharing! I’m really loving this questioning poster and would like to steal it as well 🙂 As I promote Visual Literacy, I’m planning to adjust the questions slightly to fit my art room. Who shall I credit?!